Three simple Jamboard activities are presented with explanations on how to successfully carry these out. Check out the low prep Jamboard ideas perfect for virtual learning, hybrid teaching, and the socially distant face to face classroom.

Three simple Jamboard activities are presented with explanations on how to successfully carry these out. Check out the low prep Jamboard ideas perfect for virtual learning, hybrid teaching, and the socially distant face to face classroom.
It has been a journey for me. During my first three years of teaching, my students often dared to use online translators to complete their work. With over 120 students …
Our summer is slowly coming to an end. This summer, for me, has been unlike any other summers in the past. I spent a lot of it learning & reflecting. …
I miss seeing my students interacting with the language and laughing, there is no doubt about that. Nothing will ever replace the power of human connection and real communication, especially …
Why I Create 5 de Mayo Learning Experiences In my classroom, I don’t normally make a big deal about 5 de Mayo, but I definitely provide a learning experience on …
Ever felt guilty for not celebrating special days and holidays with your classes? I know I have, and that feeling should be banned. Now, I don’t go super crazy with …