After attending ACTFL 2019 in D.C. and attending Megan Budke’s session on Grading to Promote Proficiency I was absolutely mind blown! So, I made it one of my goals this …

After attending ACTFL 2019 in D.C. and attending Megan Budke’s session on Grading to Promote Proficiency I was absolutely mind blown! So, I made it one of my goals this …
I don’t know about you, but lengthy rubrics drive me and my students insane. Finding effective rubrics has been an ongoing endless journey for me (kind of like exploring your …
“Let me make sure I have fastened all of my seat belts.” Flashback to 2016ish, that is what I wish I would have told myself when I discovered what other …
A couple of years ago, I began to notice many bulletin boards inspired by the path to proficiency. As a teacher, I fell in love and stole the idea. After …